Personalised bookplate stamps - the luxury gift for book lovers

Personalised bookplate stamps - the luxury gift for book lovers

Jessica Le

Curate your collection, loan books to friends or add a personal touch to your books with your own bookplate stamp.

You can't be too early planning for Christmas gifts but a sure winner for book lovers is their own personalised bookplate stamp by Fleur & Fable. It's the one gift that will last a lifetime - made with luxury Australian Jarrah wood and laser etched rubber, it can take 1000s of stamp impressions. A unique heirloom piece, handcrafted with a vintage aesthetic, the stamp itself is treated as a beautiful object in it's own right without using plastic handles.

Bookplates or 'ex libris' (Latin for from the library of) are labels placed inside of a book to identify its owner. Each Fleur & Fable bookplate and stamp is an ode to intricate design, historical techniques and modern production that aims to revive this 500+ year art form into everyday personal libraries. 

Fleur & Fable is the only site in Australia to offer a comprehensive range of bookplates for readers, authors and bibliophiles.

Fleur & Fable also provides 30+ ink pad colours!

See all the bookplate stamp designs to personalise HERE

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Jessica Le is the founder of Fleur & Fable. She writes about bookplates and is a member of The New Australian Bookplate Society.

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