
Fleur & Fable
PO Box 336
Ashfield NSW 1800

Fleur & Fable® is a registered trademark of Jessica Le.

First published in 2021

Copyright © Jessica Le 2021
All rights reserved

Logo designed by Jessica Le, using Hoefler Text Engraved Two designed by American type designer Jonathan Hoefler in 1991. He founded Hoefler&Co, a digital type foundry initially focussing on editorial commissions for the likes of Tiffany & Co, The New York Times and more.

Favicon designed using Im Fell Flowers 2 by Igino Marini, an Italian type designer and engineer in the 2000s.

Website typeset in Mrs Eaves, a transitional serif typeface designed by Zuzana Licko in 1996. It is a variant of Baskerville, which was designed in Birmingham, England, in the 1750s. Licko is also co-founder of Emigre, a digital type foundry. 

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