As featured in the Sydney Morning Herald
This morning I woke up to a whole bunch of orders coming from smh.com.au which I thought was strange... until I found out Fleur & Fable had been featured in their 2024 Christmas gift guide!! Omg!!! You can see the feature here.
Here's what the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) said about my bookplate stamps:
These bookplate rubber stamps (from $119) from Fleur & Fable are a special gift for the bookworm in your life. Handcrafted in Sydney from Australian Jarrah wood, they’re inspired by vintage Ex Libris (bookplates) that typically bore an owner’s coat-of-arms or a particular motto. Fleur & Fable has a range of styles to suit different tastes, and each can be personalised with the giftee’s name.
This was completely out of the blue for me and I am SO happy, also thanks to the journalists Lauren Ironmonger and Abby Seaman.